Chhath Parva in Nepal: A Reverent Homage to the Sun God

In the heart of Nepal, where the Himalayas stand as silent sentinels, a unique festival unfolds, bathing the land in a radiant glow of devotion and gratitude. Chhath Parva, a four-day celebration dedicated to the Sun God, Surya, is a testament to the deep reverence for nature and the profound belief in the life-sustaining power of the sun.

A Festival of Purity and Devotion

Chhath Parva is a festival of rigorous rituals and unwavering devotion. Devotees, primarily women, embark on a journey of purification, abstaining from certain foods, and maintaining utmost cleanliness. The festival is marked by elaborate offerings to the Sun God, performed at sunrise and sunset, symbolizing the cycle of life and the sun’s pivotal role in sustaining it.

Naha Khay: Cleansing and Preparation

The first day, Naha Khay, signifies the commencement of the purification process. Devotees cleanse their homes and prepare a special meal of rice and lentils, symbolizing the start of the fast. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation as devotees prepare their minds and bodies for the rigorous rituals ahead.

Kharna: Strengthening Resolve

The second day, Kharna marks the strengthening of resolve. Devotees observe a day-long fast, breaking it only after sunset with a special meal of kheer, a sweet rice pudding, and roti, unleavened bread. The act of fasting signifies self-discipline and devotion, preparing devotees for the culminating rituals.

Sandhya Arghya and Usha Arghya: Homage to the Sun God

The third and fourth days, Sandhya Arghya and Usha Arghya are the pinnacle of Chhath Parva. Devotees gather at riverbanks or ponds, offering prayers and performing elaborate rituals. As the sun sets and rises, devotees stand in waist-deep water, offering Arghya, a sacred offering of fruits, flowers, and water, to the Sun God.

Parsa: Breaking the Fast and Celebrations

The final day, Parsa marks the culmination of the festival. Devotees break their fast, sharing a special meal with family and friends. The air is filled with joy and gratitude as devotees celebrate the completion of their devotional journey and seek blessings for prosperity and well-being.

Chhath Parva is more than just a festival; it’s a symphony of devotion, a testament to the deep reverence for nature, and a celebration of the life-sustaining power of the sun. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and hope, reminding everyone of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the profound role of nature in our lives.